Valérie's Action Card
(Created on 5/26/2020)
Yoga teacher, Holistic Health Coach & Nutritionist
(Created on 5/26/2020)
Yoga teacher, Holistic Health Coach & Nutritionist
Share your Action Card with the Society
1 | Practice Rigorous Authenticity
My mask is:
I avoid difficult conversations2 | Surrender The Outcome
I can’t control:
the other persons' reaction and thoughts, the other persons' feelings, the other perons' wounds and feelings
I can control:
how I communicate - what and how I say it
3 | Do Uncomfortable Work
My Daily Reflection:
a lot of my sisters' and my problems are in my head and not really her fault.
My Mask-Free Action(s):
I apologized for things that were in my power. I still need to address things that hurt me that she said/did.
Why this matters to me:
Because I love her &/ because I want to have a good relationship with her and my mom