Gibran's Action Card
(Created on 8/13/2020)
Program Manager
(Created on 8/13/2020)
Program Manager
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1 | Practice Rigorous Authenticity
My mask is:
I say yes when I could say no2 | Surrender The Outcome
I can’t control:
- The reaction of others when I say no to them or decline their task because it's outside my scope or bandwidth.
- The perception people have about my work ethic or capability when I say no.
I can control:
- Identifying my top priorities in life and investing my time in those priorities.
- How I block out the noise - my own urge to appease others and the requests others make of me that are outside my focus - to focus on what's most important for me to create impact.
3 | Do Uncomfortable Work
My Daily Reflection:
Journal on one of three prompts (3 times a week):
- Was there a moment when I said yes to something, and I should have said no? Why did I do that? How will saying yes impact me?
- Was there a moment when I said no to something that was outside my scope of work or bandwidth? How will saying no to it impact me?
- What are the cumulative benefits I'm experiencing by identifying my priorities and saying no to things outside of them?
My Mask-Free Action(s):
- Identify 2 situations per week in which I'm asked to do something outside of my scope or bandwidth, and try to decline at least one of them.
- Journal on a prompt 3 times a week.
Why this matters to me:
On my deathbed, I will regret not spending enough time on things I care about and love to do. Saying no and focusing on what's most important is essential to my self-fulfillment.
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