1 | Practice Rigorous Authenticity
My mask is:
I’m hiding a weakness2 | Surrender The Outcome
I can’t control:
- How other people value me
- other people's perceptions
- god's will
- cost of living
I can't control how the people in my professional network perceive me and my value.
I can control:
- how I respond to what happens
- my budget
- my career choice
I can control how I choose to respond to the continued pressure, over expectations from others, and resulting stress.
3 | Do Uncomfortable Work
My Daily Reflection:
Did I admit a weakness today?
My Mask-Free Action(s):
- I will ask my boss to assign others to collaborate on big projects, <10/30.
- I will ask for help by admitting "If I don't get help, I will fail" at least 4 times <10/30.
Why this matters to me:
I want to fill my head with long-lasting memories of fun and love.
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